This is how I came to cure my rosacea

Friday, May 14, 2010

Rosacea and Motivation

It certainly seems such a funny combination but I had to mention it.
Because it is one of the ingredients that I needed the most to continue with my program to rosacea freedom.

At first when I began to change my life, I didn’t see immediate results, so on many occasions I got disheartened, and would go on a “not treat myself well bender”. Which because of it’s effects always culminated in a new resolve to keep going.

Now I don’t do benders anymore and my discipline has paid off.

Having persevered through the changes and really wanting my life to be different so as not to be ruled by rosacea.

Essentially I wanted me to be the ruling factor, which meant fear of all social situations and any self hatred had to go.

I think the psychology that surrounds the rosacea sufferer is as important as the other aspects in the healing process.

If you find sticking to things difficult I suggest you try a motivational therapist, to work why you sabotage your own healing, like I did.

All the components for healings are well documented in my book “Cure Your Rosacea”.

I have put together all the research I did and everything that worked in a precise and easily readable manner.

Did it take motivation and determination? You bet!

But tell me anything in life that is satisfying that doesn’t take effort?

All the best


  1. Please tell me about rosacea.I had rosacea from last 10 years,took lots of medicines but no result.I want to know about Laser treatment,it has some side effects or not and what will be the cost of this treatment??Please tell me...

  2. Hi
    You might like to read my ebook Ultimate Rosacea Treatment





About Me

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I cured my rosacea through much trial and error and research and have written this ebook to help others with the infliction