This is how I came to cure my rosacea

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Rosacea and the Immune System

Inside our bodies there is an amazing protective environment called the immune system. It works to defend against bacteria, microbes, viruses, toxins, and parasites that would love to invade our bodies. To understand the power of the immune system, all that you have to do is observe what happens when anything dies. It may sound a bit “off” but when something dies, its immune system shuts down of course along with everything else. It takes no time at all for invading bacteria and organisms to dismantle the whole body and leave only the skeleton. So your immune system is doing an amazing job to keep all that from happening when you are alive, because this is the immune systems job. It is complex, interesting and intricate. It works around the clock in thousands of different ways, but it does its work largely unnoticed. Until of course like a lot of things we don’t really notice until it fails.

Some examples of the immune system working might be; Cuts, abrasions’ or foreign bodies will stimulate the immune system to eliminate the invaders while the skin heals. Occasionally inflammation or pus occurs; this is a side effect of the immune system doing its work and usually nothing to be concerned about short term. An itchy bump from a mosquito is a sign of the immune system at work. And the common cold and flu is when the immune system missed an invader, however recovering from colds and flu shows the immune system does a good once again a good job. The job of the immune system is to protect your body from infections; it creates a barrier

that prevents viruses and bacteria from entering the body.

If bacteria or viruses do enter the body the immune system tires to detect and eliminate before it can make itself at home and reproduce. Even when the virus or bacteria do reproduce it is the immune system job to eliminate it.

The major components of the immune system are the thymus, spleen, lymph system, bone marrow, white blood cells, antibodies, hormones, complements to the antibodies and hormones

And this is amazing the human body tags all cells that are marked with what is called MHC, this tells the immune system what is “you”. Everything else is fair game for the immune system to eliminate.

So you can see why this system must be kept in optimal working order. However what does happen with poor diet, too much stress,

no proper exercise, sickness or having antibiotics over a long period of time, the immune system becomes “suppressed” or it doesn’t have the same ability to serve your body.

This is when other disease can find a foothold in your body.

This is the case with rosacea for instance and it is necessary of course to help get your immune system in full working order again



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I cured my rosacea through much trial and error and research and have written this ebook to help others with the infliction