This is how I came to cure my rosacea

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Learning to LOVE yourself

Why rosacea and love?

Rosacea is not fun it does not have a lovable bone in its body.

It constantly drains energy and causes angst among it’s suffers and those around who see and feel the agony of those who have this rash on their face.

But that is exactly my point. So bear with me for a moment while I unfold this idea for you. Because you will find that your feelings and emotions have a great deal of relevance to this and in fact any other disease.

You may have heard or believe the idea of the “mind body connection”

Well it seems to be pretty accurate when it comes to my cure from rosacea because as I went through the process of changing some of my thinking about myself and saw that in many ways I had really bad thoughts about my self and therefore my behaviour seemed to reflect that with inappropriate diet and sometimes to much alcohol and a kind of malaise depression that would engulf me .

So change became inevitable. I

How do you overcome the feelings and emotions related to rosacea?

The ones where you feel downcast and or just a bit hopeless because the rash is not going away no matter what you do?

What I began to understand as I investigated my cure from rosacea was that I had to change my mind about a lot of things. Not the least being how I felt and thought about myself and how I treated myself. Even when the rash was there as I awoke to a new day with the same rash.

I had to change my mind!

It wasn’t that I thought a few nice things and whammo rosacea gone or anything as simplistic as that. What I read about the mind body connection and healing (especially from people who had cancer) was that you had to start loving yourself and treating your body with the same respect… ( rosacea or no rosacea).

I know it wasn’t and still isn’t the easiest thing to do, but the payoff has been fantastic as it is part of the whole package of my cure. One of learning; making mistakes and then learning some more, because I knew that to cure rosacea there isn’t a quick fix, I knew I couldn’t take a pill or rub on some cream and it would go but I knew I could do it if I put all the aspects of my research into action together. And self love is part of that. Depression at whatever level be it stress related or a long term deep feeling is a suppressant for the immune system and if you read my book you will see the whole cycle explained.

The best was a positive attitude 24/7. Not just occasionally or every now and then, but all the time even when I had a flare up.

So that my attitudinal healing became a habit; a good habit, one where I became happy to carry out the tasks I’d set myself for my cure and not give into feelings of despair. I made a choice.

In short I learned to calm my emotions and love myself.

There is so much that has been researched and written about the mind/body connection and the power of a good attitude to heal, both in the mainstream hospitals and in the natural healing clinics.

One of my main sources of information and guidance has been the Mayo Clinic in America which you can easily look up on the net yourself.

Does all this take practise?

Of course it does!

Daily every day until it becomes a new habit

I have heard it said that we have to repeat a new habit every day for a month for a change to come into play

You will at some stage find a new life and at some stage even be grateful for the experience of rosacea, if like me it bought you to a new understanding of yourself.

But we won’t jump that far ahead. Just know that you can heal and there is a way out.

Cheers and all the best with your cure

Sam Speers

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Rosacea and the Immune System

Inside our bodies there is an amazing protective environment called the immune system. It works to defend against bacteria, microbes, viruses, toxins, and parasites that would love to invade our bodies. To understand the power of the immune system, all that you have to do is observe what happens when anything dies. It may sound a bit “off” but when something dies, its immune system shuts down of course along with everything else. It takes no time at all for invading bacteria and organisms to dismantle the whole body and leave only the skeleton. So your immune system is doing an amazing job to keep all that from happening when you are alive, because this is the immune systems job. It is complex, interesting and intricate. It works around the clock in thousands of different ways, but it does its work largely unnoticed. Until of course like a lot of things we don’t really notice until it fails.

Some examples of the immune system working might be; Cuts, abrasions’ or foreign bodies will stimulate the immune system to eliminate the invaders while the skin heals. Occasionally inflammation or pus occurs; this is a side effect of the immune system doing its work and usually nothing to be concerned about short term. An itchy bump from a mosquito is a sign of the immune system at work. And the common cold and flu is when the immune system missed an invader, however recovering from colds and flu shows the immune system does a good once again a good job. The job of the immune system is to protect your body from infections; it creates a barrier

that prevents viruses and bacteria from entering the body.

If bacteria or viruses do enter the body the immune system tires to detect and eliminate before it can make itself at home and reproduce. Even when the virus or bacteria do reproduce it is the immune system job to eliminate it.

The major components of the immune system are the thymus, spleen, lymph system, bone marrow, white blood cells, antibodies, hormones, complements to the antibodies and hormones

And this is amazing the human body tags all cells that are marked with what is called MHC, this tells the immune system what is “you”. Everything else is fair game for the immune system to eliminate.

So you can see why this system must be kept in optimal working order. However what does happen with poor diet, too much stress,

no proper exercise, sickness or having antibiotics over a long period of time, the immune system becomes “suppressed” or it doesn’t have the same ability to serve your body.

This is when other disease can find a foothold in your body.

This is the case with rosacea for instance and it is necessary of course to help get your immune system in full working order again


Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I am always looking for ways to inspire myself and pass on that inspiration

I came across Lilou Mace's "100 Day Challenge" the other day
and thought I'd share it with you

A site for sharing your challenge to yourself to change habits and acquire new thoguhts about life and the universe

It is all about the challenge

Lots of good cheer


Monday, July 19, 2010

Enzymes! Wow

Enzymes….The Organic Eater

Enzymes play a vital role in our existence. Although they themselves are not considered to be living organisms, they are found in all living beings on Earth. Enzymes are catalysts for biochemical reactions in living things. Not discovered until 1835, these microscopic entities consume organic matter by breaking down complex organics to their original chemical building blocks.

Life is based on the transfer of energy so without enzymes we would cease to exist. Giving us the ability to breakdown food, enzymes are a major part of our digestive process. Enzymes can be used to breakdown chemicals such as fats, oils, detergents, and wastes. We also owe these tiny catalysts thanks as they play a major role in the cleanup of our environment. Oil spills that have the potential of devastating life in our oceans and surrounding shores are managed and cleaned up by large quantities of specific enzymes.

Love these things

Good luck with your rosacea cure


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Groundhog Day

"Groundhog Day" is a film with Bill Murray as a grumpy disillusioned rperter who gets stuck in the same day over and over again...until he begins to see that he can change the outcomes of his day by changing his actions. And gradually he lightens up and sees his life from a new perspective. That of a more caring person who listens rather than bruskly and arrogantly walks thru life, thinking the world owes him something......
It is a classic movie and often quoted by those changing habits. Because it feels like grounfhog day...over and over until whamo something changes!

And all the good work comes to fruitition

Curing my rosacea has been like that for me
And in some sense will continue like that as I find those changes that were specifically for rosacea have impacted on all areas of my life

Keep up the good work

Cheers Sam

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I knew I had to do whatever it would take!

I want to let you know my book “Cure Your Rosacea” will give you the “tools” and the “know how” in your search for being rid of the rosacea on your face. By you understanding the disease, which I have explained in detail, you will get a very clear picture of what you will need to do and how to do it. Rosacea is pernicious and by that I mean, it is not directly life threatening, but it does threaten to undermine your life. It gets into the nooks and crannies of your psychic, and jumps up to reveal itself as embarrassing at least and almost suicidal at worst. My book is a “Blueprint” for a gradual cure or at the very least ridding yourself of the facial redness. I am not promising you a pill to “cure all” or 2 ingredients to banish the rash. That is false hope. What I am offering you is a way to change many aspects of your life and health. That will I guarantee fade your problems. Does it take effort? Of course it does! Because unless you want to keep looking for the illusive pill or lotion, that does not exist. The medical profession at this stage don’t have a good grasp on rosacea. It isn’t up there with cancer as a disease attracting research dollars. So are you prepared to take the plunge and create a clear skin and maybe a new outlook on your life. No this is not a quick fix! How long will it take? That is up to you! What kind of extra effort are you prepared to put into YOURSELF! You know I was angry once too! I blamed doctors, my family, the world, you name it they had a part in my rosacea unhappiness. Then one day I woke up! And said “I will do whatever it takes to be rid of the rosacea It was then everything fell into place for me. My book details all the steps I meticulously took and follow to this day, understanding that I have a propensity to rosacea. I am like any person with a disease who has found a way to live without it. I FOLLOW THE GUIDELINES I discovered bitching and blaming and being angry, did nothing. In fact it made the disease worse. Then I took the “DEMON” (rosacea) by the horns and did everything and did everything I knew would work if I stuck at it, and worked my program. My desperation became my salvation! You don’t have to get to the desperate stage to read this book and put it into practise. Believe me! Anytime is a good time to start. It’s your choice; keep chasing the illusive rainbow of pills and potions or wake and take control of your life. I look forward to hearing your story of change.

Cheers Sam Speers

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Curing Rosacea and the Need for Consistency

Curing Rosacea and the Need for Consistency

There are lots of psychological adages out there about difficult and hard times which I’m sure you have heard or are familiar with and are not interested in hearing from me. “Like silver linings in dark clouds” ..that sort of thing!

But I want to tell you there is much common sense in adhering to a consistent plan when it comes to ridding yourself of rosacea.

You may have tried going down the road of wanting an antibiotic or a cortisone cream, herbal pill etc, to clear things up, and if your reading this I guess it didn’t work.

The reason is simple and that is because rosacea is part of a systematic problem that is effecting your whole body, not just as rosacea , but in other ways as well. And your aim then is to “fix up” or righting all internal systems in your body that are out of balance; putting the whole back together.

In my book “Cure Your Rosacea”. I have put all my research in a simple format, which you can use easily and follow. A description of how parts of your body work together with your mind for optimal health.

And consistency is the key. Putting everything into practise and sticking with it.

Consistency only really becomes an issue when you think major changes are not happening and so want to give up in despair and go back to your old ways.

This self sabotage as it’s called in psychology will set you back a bit. But not forever because there is always tomorrow to bring new resolve, and set new goals for yourself.

To cure rosacea, a change in many aspects of your life may be necessary. To bring your body to optimal health so you begin the road to recovery

Knowing all aspects of your immune system and how to bring

the healing power of your body and mind in play.

It is a true thing that the body can heal itself given a chance.

But the body must be given the right ingredients to have this occur and those ingredients come in the form of diet, exercise, using supplements and having a positive outlook on life.

If you are experiencing difficulties in life be it health or other facets then change is very necessary and change can as we know be difficult.

So the decision about to move on from rosacea is yours

Take a look at my ebook

Sunday, May 30, 2010

topical treatments 95% reduction

I have written this e-book because I had rosacea for 10 years and I know what a debilitating disease this is. I personally know how depressing this disease can be, having to face every day life with a red face knowing that people are wondering what is wrong with you. I have been to so many different doctors I have lost count, one Dr. even told me I would have to be on antibiotics for the rest of my life what a joke. I was prescribed cortisone cream by several different doctors it works in the beginning but then slowly made everything worse I ended up with rosacea 3 to 4 times worse . I have had over $5000 worth of laser treatment which did very little but was promised the world by the technicians. Every doctor or dermatologist that saw only ever wanted to treat my skin as a separate entity from my body and not recognize that the two are symbiotic one cannot be unhealthy and the other healthy.

curing rosacea is not a quick process many of you developed this disease over many years. why do I have rosacea, that was the question I asked myself many times. Finally I believe I have a answer to that question and here it is.

Our bodies immune system is constantly working to fight of bacteria and viruses, when the immune system is compromised it is ability weakens allowing bacteria and viruses to flourish which create diseases . The number one immune system suppresser is an imbalance in the intestinal flora, without a proper balance of intestinal flora not enough minerals and vitamins are digested creating a never-ending cycle of suppressed immune system. The main main culprit is a over growth of Candida in the intestines ,what is Candida? it is a fungal growth whose roots burrow into the intestinal walls like a plant into soil. There are many side effects from this fungus which include allowing partially digested food into the blood stream through the small holes its roots creat. Also the fungus creates many toxins in the body , just from the description of this fungus you know it would not be very good for the immune system having a plant dig are into the walls of the intestines would lower anyone's immune system

.what causes candida, antibiotics,cortisone steroids,binge drinking alcohol,stress,heavy metals,pollutions,pestacides ,there are more to this list .What has this got to do with my face,
will remember the face is not an island.

Many people say that demo decks mites are the cause of rosacea is this true probably,but it is more complicated than black and white. I believe having a Candida overgrowth suppresses the immune system which in some people causes them to be oversensitive to demodex mites and the bacteria that is created . Why don't all people who have a Candida infection have rosacea? Not all people are allergic to peanuts, wheat, dairy, alcohol. But some people develop an intolerance for any one of those things over their life will never fully get rid of demodex mites with the topical treatments but you will control them until you bring your immune system up.

I'll describe two different topical "treatments that can get rid of 95% of your rosacea

1 to 6% Hydrogen Peroxide (from the supermarket or local pharmacy)

This is available from local pharmacy as 1%, 3% and 6%, but I have found 3 to 6 % is the right strength for me.
So take care and experiment first with 1%, you do not want to cause yourself any more pain
You can purchase 30% food grade Hydrogen Peroxide, however I know that it is quite a bit stronger than that purchased from a supermarket or pharmacy. This can be diluted accordingly
(Experiment wisely and with care.)
1. Have a bunch of cotton wool balls or face wipes made of cotton on hand.
2. Soak the cotton wool ball in the 1 to 6 % Hydrogen Peroxide solution then squeeze out excess liquid so you can press onto your face. This avoids drops going into your eyes or falling onto your eyebrows or your hair line. Those with longer hair may wish to use a head band to keep the hair away from the 1 to 6 % Hydrogen Peroxide
3. Dab over the affected area with the cotton wool ball soaked in 1 to 6 % Hydrogen Peroxide, making sure again to avoid the eyes, eyebrows and hairline.
The Hydrogen Peroxide can sting the Rosacea affected areas of the skin quite strongly and will make it go very red for up to 2 hours.
So please do this before retiring at night or when you have your own time.
Definitely not before work or having to meet an appointment
This is the number one most effective treatment for the Rosacea affected areas. And will kill the demodex mites and bacteria or if the rosacea is a form of mycoplasma or fungus like organism. The hydrogen peroxide will be as effective.
I strongly recommend the Hydrogen Peroxide and knowing that it will sting for a short time but does not burn the skin as it is a harmless product that reverts to hydrogen and oxygen relatively quick upon contact
4. Leave the 1 to 6 % Hydrogen Peroxide on the facial areas of the skin where needed for at least half an hour or you can leave it without rinsing altogether.
Once again this solution will cause your face to become redder and if you have pustules they will look “worse” or whiter for a moment
There is no need to wash the solution off
hydrogen peroxide will do two different things for you it will kill the Demodex Mites and the bacteria .

Then after 30 minutes make a Boric Acid solution
(Borax or Boric Acid can be purchased from a Supermarket or hardware store)
1. In a bowl place ¼ of a cup of Borax in 400mls of warm water
stir with your hand until it becomes “slimy & smooth” to the
touch. Most of the Borax does not dissolve and will settle at
the bottom of the bowl. I keep a bowl in my bathroom already
2. Use the dissolved solution topically on your face and scalp leaving this on your face overnight and in your hair. If you wish to wash it off before retiring at night then leave for at least 2 -3hours.
3. Then wash your hair and face as you normally would.
The topical treatments are just a bandaid with other 95% of the rosacea gone a lot of the stress will be gone, helping to bring your immune system up over the long term which will help in fighting the Candida overgrowth.
Try those two topical and you will see a 95% improvement in the treatment of your rosacea for more information read my blog or buy my e-book at only $19.95 it is a bargin at
Thank u for taking the time to read this letter i hope it changes your life

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Rosacea and Sticking to the Program

One of the major things I did was to get to know how certain things operated in my body. I needed to know exactly how the orchestra worked.

I wanted to know what caused my immune system to not work properly along with that I also needed to know exactly what my immune system is and how it works. Then what are the major factors in it not being able to carry out its functions.

This research I did mostly on the internet, along with watching how my own physicality was traveling. I searched and read for many nights until the information started to fall into place for me.

There were aspects of my diet and and behavior that were not conducive to a healthy immune system.

I became aware that some of the medication I’d taken as a teenager for acne had had the effect of suppressing my immune system and because I didn’t know better, I continued to take antibiotics for rosacea as they were prescribed me by doctors, sometimes for months on end. This played havoc with the good bacteria in my body, and in turn effected the whole of my digestive system which then meant less nutritional advantage.

Now you may find all this simplistic, but I can assure you that without a good understanding of this basic knowledge
You go nowhere in your search for a cure. Because rosacea cure is a whole body approach which takes into account psychology, exercise and a calm mind.

There is no quick fix, no lotion, potion or fixer that will do what this approach to your cure will do.

You will find it so amazing I assure you if you approach with my action plan and stick to it; your life will change!

I am writing this for you because I want you to be free from rosacea too.

In my ebook “Cure Your Rosacea” there is all the research put together in an easy and understandable way.

I am sure you would like to know how I cured my rosacea
for ever. And gained a lot of insight into my own health



Saturday, May 22, 2010

Rosacea and Self Love

What on earth has rosacea got to do with self love you ask?

Are you mad, you ask? Rosacea is not fun it does not have a lovable bone in its body. It constantly drains energy and causes angst.

But that is exactly my point.
How do you overcome these feelings and emotions related to rosacea. What I began to understand as I investigated my cure from rosacea was that I had to change my mind about a lot of things. Not the least being how I felt and thought about myself and how I treated myself.

It wasn’t that I thought a few nice things and whammo rosacea gone or anything as simplistic as that. What I read about the mind body connection and healing (especially from people who had cancer) was that you had to start loving yourself and treating your body with the same respect… ( rosacea or no rosacea).

I know it wasn’t and still isn’t the easiest thing to do, but the payoff has been fantastic as it is part of the whole package of my cure. One of learning making mistakes, then learning more. Because I knew that cure rosacea there isn’t a quick fix, but I knew I could do it if I put all the aspects of my research into action together. The best was a positive attitude 24/7. Not just occasionally or every now and then, but all the time even when I had a flare up.

So that my attitudinal healing became a habit ;a good habit. One where I became happy to carry out the tasks I’d set myself for my cure and not give into feelings of despair. I made a choice. In short I learned to calm my emotions and love myself.

There is so much that has been researched and written about the mind/body connection and the power of a good attitude to heal, both in the mainstream hospitals and in the natural healing clinics.

One of my main sources of information and guidance has been the Mayo Clinic in America which you can easily look up on the net yourself.

Does all this take practise \? O course it does!
But if you read and follow the steps in my book “Cure Your Rosacea”.
You will find a new life and at some stage even be grateful for the experience.

But we won’t jump that far ahead. Just know that you can heal and there is a way out.

Cheers Sam

Friday, May 14, 2010

Rosacea and Motivation

It certainly seems such a funny combination but I had to mention it.
Because it is one of the ingredients that I needed the most to continue with my program to rosacea freedom.

At first when I began to change my life, I didn’t see immediate results, so on many occasions I got disheartened, and would go on a “not treat myself well bender”. Which because of it’s effects always culminated in a new resolve to keep going.

Now I don’t do benders anymore and my discipline has paid off.

Having persevered through the changes and really wanting my life to be different so as not to be ruled by rosacea.

Essentially I wanted me to be the ruling factor, which meant fear of all social situations and any self hatred had to go.

I think the psychology that surrounds the rosacea sufferer is as important as the other aspects in the healing process.

If you find sticking to things difficult I suggest you try a motivational therapist, to work why you sabotage your own healing, like I did.

All the components for healings are well documented in my book “Cure Your Rosacea”.

I have put together all the research I did and everything that worked in a precise and easily readable manner.

Did it take motivation and determination? You bet!

But tell me anything in life that is satisfying that doesn’t take effort?

All the best

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Anxiety and Rosacea

For many years the first thing I would do when I woke up was look in the mirror.

And I guess it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to guess what happened next. First I saw the rosacea on my face, then I would spiral down to a state that was a mix of anxiety disappointment and anger. Upon those feelings I’d go to my large screen TV and play games or go to the kitchen and be rude to which ever member of my family just happened to be there.

Then just to reinforce my mood I’d check a few times during the day. Just in case a miracle had occurred. I remember when I stopped doing the mirror thing and .much to my families delight stopped blaming them for my anxiety and my rosacea.

There is a sense of freedom in my life now that I have stopped being so anxious about this disease.

The reason of course is that I decided at that point to take responsibility and change things for myself. I took a course of action, one I had researched over many years and began to make a lot of sense to me. I have followed this “path” in a fairly strict way
And as a consequence discovered much about how the body works.
In discovering that I am responsible for my rosacea and its cure and that I could not sit around waiting for a doctor or research scientist to come up with a pill or a potion, I was able to then take action.

So one of the first things I did was to work on my anxiety levels and stop doing some of the habitual things, like mirror watching and give myself a chance to heal.

I discovered it was whole body healing that takes rosacea away. And that of course included how I thought about myself and my life.
Removing what I call rosacea anger/anxiety, I began the process of self respect again and looked more closely at my relationships and my career.

Good luck and cheers to all

Sam Speers

If you would like to know how I did this in detail my ebook “Cure Your Rosacea”

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Stress and Rosacea

Stress is a much used word.
How does it relate to rosacea?
What does it mean?

Stress is your body's way of responding to any kind of demand.
And as you know as a rosacea sufferer there is extra demand by virtue of rosacea’s effects.
Stress can be caused by both good and bad experiences from any circumstance.
When you feel stressed by something going on in or around you your body reacts by releasing chemicals into the blood. These chemicals give people more energy and strength, which can be a good thing if their stress is caused by physical danger.
But this can also be a bad thing, if you stress is in response to something emotional and there is no outlet for this extra energy.

Have you ever caught yourself worrying about things you seem not to be able to do anything or worrying for reasons that are beyond your control?
This is internal stress and it is one of the most important kinds of stress to understand and manage. Internal stress is when you make yourself stressed. This happens when you worry about things you can't control or put yourself in situations you know will cause anxiety and stress. You might find yourself becoming worried about some future event or letting some your past ideas that caused pain and anxiety back earlier in your life govern everything you do now.

Stress can affect both your body and your mind. People under large amounts of stress can become tired, sick, and unable to concentrate or think clearly. This kind of stress causes your bodies natural defense mechanisms against disease to be lowered. So some people have a propensity to a particular disease which will then manifest under stress.

Rosacea is that kind of disease and stress will acerbate it.
So here is the catch for rosacea sufferers. Having rosacea is a stressful condition. Some of the fallout from being a sufferer is embarrassment about the facial redness and rash. This can cause social isolation which in turn is very stressful for most people.

So can you catch one and not go onto the next, in short how to break the cycle?

Once you have admitted to carrying stress in your body and its effects on health then there is a way forward.

All the best
Sam (“Cure Your Rosacea”)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

What will it take?

Someone asked me just yesterday “What will I be buying if I buy your book?”

and the truth is there are a few answers to that very good question.

The first being; A CHANCE: A chance at waking in the morning with a clear face.

The second is A CHANGE: being willing to do something for yourself, something that will show you your own strength. That adversity will grow you to another level in yourself.

The third is APPLICATION: application of the tools I have described step by step.

The forth is KNOWLEDGE: Knowledge on how your body works and how rosacea has affected itself as a symptom of other things.

So with knowledge you give yourself the chance to change and with application you find yourself in a brand new place as I did.

But I must emphasise that this program will take your commitment and during that time amazing things will happen.

So if you want to get rid of your rosacea, then here is your chance. Follow the BLUEPRINT I have outlined. Have a look at the book and give yourself a gift.

All the best with your healing


Sunday, May 2, 2010

Rosacea Cure Blueprint

I want to let you know my book “Cure Your Rosacea” will give you the “tools” and the “know how” in your search for being rid of the rosacea on your face. By you understanding the disease, which I have explained in detail, you will get a very clear picture of what you will need to do and how to do it. Rosacea is pernicious and by that I mean, it is not directly life threatening, but it doeas threaten to undermine your life. It gets into the nooks and crannies of your psychic, and jumps up to reveal itself as embarrassing at least and almost suicidal at worst. My book is a “Blueprint” for a gradual cure or at the very least ridding yourself of the facial redness. I am not promising you a pill to “cure all” or 2 ingredients to banish the rash. That is false hope. What I am offering you is a way to change many aspects of your life and health. That will I guarantee fade your problems. Does it take effort? Of course it does! Because unless you want to keep looking for the illusive pill or lotion, that does not exist. The medical profession at this stage don’t have a good grasp on rosacea. It isn’t up there with cancer as a disease attracting research dollars. So are you prepared to take the plunge and create a clear skin and maybe a new outlook on your life. No this is not a quick fix! How long will it take? That is up to you! What kind of extra effort are you prepared to put into YOURSELF! You know I was angry once too! I blamed doctors, my family, the world, you name it they had a part in my rosacea unhappiness. Then one day I woke up! And said “I will do whatever it takes to be rid of the rosacea” It was then everything fell into place for me. My book details all the steps I meticulously took and follow to this day, understanding that I have a propensity to rosacea. I am like any person with a disease who has found a way to live without it. I FOLLOW THE GUIDELINES I discovered bitching and blaming and being angry, did nothing. In fact it made the disease worse. Then I took the “DEMON” (rosacea) by the horns and did everything and did everything I knew would work if I stuck at it, and worked my program. My desperation became my salvation! You don’t have to get to the desperate stage to read this book and put it into practise. Believe me! Anytime is a good time to start. It’s your choice; keep chasing the illusive rainbow of pills and potions or wake and take control of your life. I look forward to hearing your story of change. Sam

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Rosacea Journey

The rosacea journey has been a very long and hard one. I have spent literally thousands of dollars on specialist doctors and medications and laser therapy, in fact on IPL alone I spent $5,000

I am sure everyone with this disease has been doing their own hard roads. But now that I no longer have this disease and my skin is clear, it has metaphorically speaking cleared the way in my life to start to achieve some of my goals. The rosacea rash I don’t have any more. My skin is now clear. . Up to this point I have wandered without much purpose as I felt the burden of this rash. I was embarrassed by how I looked and never really wanted to partake of life.

So from this beginning I wrote a book and that’s why I call the book “ROSACEA CURE”
The steps outlined and the information contained in the pages will give you the power to cure your rosacea also.
The book is available at
I really want you and anyone with rosacea to have the confidence and freedom I now feel in my life.
Information is a very powerful tool
And you will find my research on this disease very thorough and useful. Take a look at my book
I wish you all the best on your journey
“Cure Your Rosacea Sam”

Friday, April 9, 2010

What is Rosacea?

Rosacea is a chronic skin disease that causes redness and swelling, primarily on the face. The areas that may be affected are the scalp, neck, ears, chest, and back. Also the eyes may be affected.

Those afflicted with rosacea may first notice a tendency to flush or blush easily.

This may occur over a long and sometimes short period of time progressing to a persistent redness along with bumps (papules) and pimples (pustules) of the skin.

Some individuals, especially men, develop a type of rosacea characterized by thickening of the skin and often results in enlargement of the nose from excess tissue

Rosacea causes facial swelling and redness and can be easily confused with other skin conditions. It is often diagnosed as adult acne.

Rosacea affects the eyes in approximately 50% of rosacea sufferers
Rosacea affects an estimated 54 million people worldwide.
It is more likely in adults over the age of 30 however rosacea can have an onset at any age and many young people in their twenties are rosacea sufferers

With the knowledge in “Rosacea Cure” you will be able to combat and cure this disease yourself.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Is There a Cure For Rosacea?

Rosacea has always been known as a chronic skin disease.

Causing redness and swelling on the face. By chronic I mean it can last for many years.

The areas that can be affected are the as well as the face are neck back scalp ears chest and eye lids. Those afflicted with Rosacea may first notice a tendency to flush or blush easily, progressing to a persistent redness that has both bumps and pimples. Rosacea causes facial swelling that can easily be confused with other skin conditions.

Roasacea affects an estimated 54 million people worldwide. It is more likely in adults over the age of 30. However rosacea can have an onset of any age and many young people in there twenties are rosacea sufferers.

Rosacea is often called a vascular disease when in fact it is a suppressed immune system condition which may come about from many different areas of your health.

When the immune system is suppressed a microscopic mite invisible to the eye can over populate the hair follicles and sebaceous glands.

It’s the psychological effects on the person suffering rosacea that cause the greatest pain. For some the rosacea cause them to avoid all social contact.

This in itself causes a great deal of stress.

Rosacea is more often diagnosed in women but is more severe in men,

and seems to be more prevalent in fair skinned people.

For most people the mites live in harmony with their human hosts.

Most people have a tolerance for the mites except people who have a lowered immune system. These mites are not so well known by the public, they are microscopic and live on the face and in the hair follicles of the body.

There is fortunately a way to combat and cure this disease

And I have found it through many years of trial and research.

I offer it to you through my book

“Cure Your Rosacea”




About Me

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I cured my rosacea through much trial and error and research and have written this ebook to help others with the infliction