This is how I came to cure my rosacea

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Stress and Rosacea

Stress is a much used word.
How does it relate to rosacea?
What does it mean?

Stress is your body's way of responding to any kind of demand.
And as you know as a rosacea sufferer there is extra demand by virtue of rosacea’s effects.
Stress can be caused by both good and bad experiences from any circumstance.
When you feel stressed by something going on in or around you your body reacts by releasing chemicals into the blood. These chemicals give people more energy and strength, which can be a good thing if their stress is caused by physical danger.
But this can also be a bad thing, if you stress is in response to something emotional and there is no outlet for this extra energy.

Have you ever caught yourself worrying about things you seem not to be able to do anything or worrying for reasons that are beyond your control?
This is internal stress and it is one of the most important kinds of stress to understand and manage. Internal stress is when you make yourself stressed. This happens when you worry about things you can't control or put yourself in situations you know will cause anxiety and stress. You might find yourself becoming worried about some future event or letting some your past ideas that caused pain and anxiety back earlier in your life govern everything you do now.

Stress can affect both your body and your mind. People under large amounts of stress can become tired, sick, and unable to concentrate or think clearly. This kind of stress causes your bodies natural defense mechanisms against disease to be lowered. So some people have a propensity to a particular disease which will then manifest under stress.

Rosacea is that kind of disease and stress will acerbate it.
So here is the catch for rosacea sufferers. Having rosacea is a stressful condition. Some of the fallout from being a sufferer is embarrassment about the facial redness and rash. This can cause social isolation which in turn is very stressful for most people.

So can you catch one and not go onto the next, in short how to break the cycle?

Once you have admitted to carrying stress in your body and its effects on health then there is a way forward.

All the best
Sam (“Cure Your Rosacea”)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

What will it take?

Someone asked me just yesterday “What will I be buying if I buy your book?”

and the truth is there are a few answers to that very good question.

The first being; A CHANCE: A chance at waking in the morning with a clear face.

The second is A CHANGE: being willing to do something for yourself, something that will show you your own strength. That adversity will grow you to another level in yourself.

The third is APPLICATION: application of the tools I have described step by step.

The forth is KNOWLEDGE: Knowledge on how your body works and how rosacea has affected itself as a symptom of other things.

So with knowledge you give yourself the chance to change and with application you find yourself in a brand new place as I did.

But I must emphasise that this program will take your commitment and during that time amazing things will happen.

So if you want to get rid of your rosacea, then here is your chance. Follow the BLUEPRINT I have outlined. Have a look at the book and give yourself a gift.

All the best with your healing


Sunday, May 2, 2010

Rosacea Cure Blueprint

I want to let you know my book “Cure Your Rosacea” will give you the “tools” and the “know how” in your search for being rid of the rosacea on your face. By you understanding the disease, which I have explained in detail, you will get a very clear picture of what you will need to do and how to do it. Rosacea is pernicious and by that I mean, it is not directly life threatening, but it doeas threaten to undermine your life. It gets into the nooks and crannies of your psychic, and jumps up to reveal itself as embarrassing at least and almost suicidal at worst. My book is a “Blueprint” for a gradual cure or at the very least ridding yourself of the facial redness. I am not promising you a pill to “cure all” or 2 ingredients to banish the rash. That is false hope. What I am offering you is a way to change many aspects of your life and health. That will I guarantee fade your problems. Does it take effort? Of course it does! Because unless you want to keep looking for the illusive pill or lotion, that does not exist. The medical profession at this stage don’t have a good grasp on rosacea. It isn’t up there with cancer as a disease attracting research dollars. So are you prepared to take the plunge and create a clear skin and maybe a new outlook on your life. No this is not a quick fix! How long will it take? That is up to you! What kind of extra effort are you prepared to put into YOURSELF! You know I was angry once too! I blamed doctors, my family, the world, you name it they had a part in my rosacea unhappiness. Then one day I woke up! And said “I will do whatever it takes to be rid of the rosacea” It was then everything fell into place for me. My book details all the steps I meticulously took and follow to this day, understanding that I have a propensity to rosacea. I am like any person with a disease who has found a way to live without it. I FOLLOW THE GUIDELINES I discovered bitching and blaming and being angry, did nothing. In fact it made the disease worse. Then I took the “DEMON” (rosacea) by the horns and did everything and did everything I knew would work if I stuck at it, and worked my program. My desperation became my salvation! You don’t have to get to the desperate stage to read this book and put it into practise. Believe me! Anytime is a good time to start. It’s your choice; keep chasing the illusive rainbow of pills and potions or wake and take control of your life. I look forward to hearing your story of change. Sam


About Me

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I cured my rosacea through much trial and error and research and have written this ebook to help others with the infliction