This is how I came to cure my rosacea

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Finding the strength within?

So often we look for a quick fix or for someone else to do the work for us

Like a pill or a potion or some quick hypnotherapy and wham it is all gone!

And like you a little bit of magic would be wonderful wouldn't it?

But my experience is that becoming responsible for all aspects and areas of our life

will ultimatley pay dividends in that asking for healing becomes part of that responsibilty

This realization took me a long time to work out , because I thought if I kept doing the same thing a change would magically happen

Until I discovered that I had to make the change and in difficult areas of my life nothing different would happen

It is kind of like pulling the plug on some old habits and beliefs
and letting them wash away and so doing a breath of fresh air arrives

Oh boy have I struggled with a lot of that

But you don't have to as I have done the hard yakka the research and
I know that by following this method you will change not only the rosacea rash
but much else as well

( If you want !)

In health there is as much willingness and determination as anything to garner the strength for change

That strength is called courage; courage to move forward; courage to change;
courage to take a new direction

I am offering this ebook as a gift to anyone ( at a small price) who has rosacea
because it is my offereing and service to others

With respect



About Me

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I cured my rosacea through much trial and error and research and have written this ebook to help others with the infliction