This is how I came to cure my rosacea

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Rosacea and Sticking to the Program

One of the major things I did was to get to know how certain things operated in my body. I needed to know exactly how the orchestra worked.

I wanted to know what caused my immune system to not work properly along with that I also needed to know exactly what my immune system is and how it works. Then what are the major factors in it not being able to carry out its functions.

This research I did mostly on the internet, along with watching how my own physicality was traveling. I searched and read for many nights until the information started to fall into place for me.

There were aspects of my diet and and behavior that were not conducive to a healthy immune system.

I became aware that some of the medication I’d taken as a teenager for acne had had the effect of suppressing my immune system and because I didn’t know better, I continued to take antibiotics for rosacea as they were prescribed me by doctors, sometimes for months on end. This played havoc with the good bacteria in my body, and in turn effected the whole of my digestive system which then meant less nutritional advantage.

Now you may find all this simplistic, but I can assure you that without a good understanding of this basic knowledge
You go nowhere in your search for a cure. Because rosacea cure is a whole body approach which takes into account psychology, exercise and a calm mind.

There is no quick fix, no lotion, potion or fixer that will do what this approach to your cure will do.

You will find it so amazing I assure you if you approach with my action plan and stick to it; your life will change!

I am writing this for you because I want you to be free from rosacea too.

In my ebook “Cure Your Rosacea” there is all the research put together in an easy and understandable way.

I am sure you would like to know how I cured my rosacea
for ever. And gained a lot of insight into my own health




About Me

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I cured my rosacea through much trial and error and research and have written this ebook to help others with the infliction