This is how I came to cure my rosacea

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Consistency of Application in your Rosacea Cure

There are "sayings" out there which I’m sure you have heard or are familiar with and are not interested in hearing from me, like," silver linings in dark clouds” ..that sort of thing!
So I wont go on with a motivation speech, but suffice to say there is much common sense in adhering to a consistent plan when it comes to ridding yourself of rosacea!
You may have tried many things; going down the road of wanting an antibiotic or a cortisone cream, herbal pill etc, to clear things up, and if your reading this Iam guessing that perhaps it didn’t work? Or worked for a while then the rash reappeared. And you found yourself back where you started.
The reason is simple!
Because we have to look and any treatment we embark on from a holsitic viewpoint We are never just one thing, the whole body works in unison and when any part is effected the whole is effected. You would have experienced this with say a common cold or what is medically known as an upper respiratory tract infection, and you have taken to bed for a few days with a temperature that effected you right to your toes!
Rosacea is also part of a systematic problem that is effecting your whole body, not just as rosacea , but in other ways as well. With teatment we have to be honest with ourselves and start to look at how we are living, for instance there is our basic feelings of self worth, and are we treating ourselves well with diet, exercise and what we deem as a good life.
And well you might ask, "How is this possible with a rash on my face?" But I would say that to you to stop a moment and ask "What do I need to change for my optimal health, so the rash can be gone for ever?"
There are no magic or one pill cures, no here today gone tomorrow answers!
Which is why I am writing about consistency in your treatment; sticking to something for
quit a while, and letting your wonderful body do its work.
This is how rehabilitation is viewed, and your body will assist with healing if you give it a chance
So your aim then is to “fix up” or right all internal systems in your body that are out of balance; putting the whole back together. And the rash which is a symptom of unbalance will fade.
If you think the task is to big, have a look at my ebook "Holistic Rosacea Treatment"
It will give you step by step help and instruction as well, understanding why the rash has appeared
In my book “Holistic Rosacea Treatment”. I have put all my research in a simple format, which you can use easily and follow.
A description of how parts of your body work together with your mind for optimal health.

And consistency is the key. Putting everything into practise and sticking with it.

Consistency only really becomes an issue when you think major changes are not happening and so want to give up in despair and go back to your old ways.

This self sabotage as it’s called in psychology will set you back a bit. But not forever because there is always tomorrow to bring new resolve, and set new goals for yourself.

To have rosacea be gone and a change in many aspects of your life may be necessary. To bring your body to optimal health so you begin the road to recovery

Knowing all aspects of your immune system and how to bring the healing power of your body and mind in play.

It is a true thing that the body can heal itself given a chance.

But the body must be given the right ingredients to have this occur and those ingredients come in the form of diet, exercise, using supplements and having a positive outlook on life.

If you are experiencing difficulties in life be it health or other facets then change is very necessary and change can as we know be difficult.

So the decision to move on from rosacea is yours

Take a look at my ebook[Root]

All the best

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I cured my rosacea through much trial and error and research and have written this ebook to help others with the infliction