Rosacea has always been known as a chronic skin disease.
Causing redness and swelling on the face. By chronic I mean it can last for many years.
The areas that can be affected are the as well as the face are neck back scalp ears chest and eye lids. Those afflicted with Rosacea may first notice a tendency to flush or blush easily, progressing to a persistent redness that has both bumps and pimples. Rosacea causes facial swelling that can easily be confused with other skin conditions.
Roasacea affects an estimated 54 million people worldwide. It is more likely in adults over the age of 30. However rosacea can have an onset of any age and many young people in there twenties are rosacea sufferers.
Rosacea is often called a vascular disease when in fact it is a suppressed immune system condition which may come about from many different areas of your health.
When the immune system is suppressed a microscopic mite invisible to the eye can over populate the hair follicles and sebaceous glands.
It’s the psychological effects on the person suffering rosacea that cause the greatest pain. For some the rosacea cause them to avoid all social contact.
This in itself causes a great deal of stress.
Rosacea is more often diagnosed in women but is more severe in men,
and seems to be more prevalent in fair skinned people.
For most people the mites live in harmony with their human hosts.
Most people have a tolerance for the mites except people who have a lowered immune system. These mites are not so well known by the public, they are microscopic and live on the face and in the hair follicles of the body.
There is fortunately a way to combat and cure this disease
And I have found it through many years of trial and research.
I offer it to you through my book
“Cure Your Rosacea”
Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that causes redness and swelling of the face that can also affect the scalp, neck, ears, chest, and back. Treatments may be combined for greater efficacy, and some medications, such as Riversol Skin Care.
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